Jill Dando’s first newspaper cover 13 year old Oxbridge scholarship girl story - written by students finding stories in her memory 40 years on

Jill Dando’s first newspaper cover 13 year old Oxbridge scholarship girl story - written by students finding stories in her memory 40 years on

By Jill Dando News

Jill Dando’s first newspaper, the Weston Mercury, has covered a brilliant story found by reporters finding good news stories in her memory.

One reporter in the Jill Dando Network in Jill's old school

The Weston-super-Mare newspaper in Somerset covered their story about an inspirational 13-year-old girl who one day wants to find the cure for Alzheimer's and brain cancer and who has won a prestigious scholarship to Oxford and Cambridge.

Jill Dando News reporters and staff

Jill Dando began her career at the Mercury after leaving Worle Community School Academy (WCSA) where she began writing stories. She went on to become the face of the BBC and Britain before being murdered in 1999.

Now over 100 reporters in WCSA and schools in The Priory Learning Trust and others in Somerset are finding and writing good news stories in her memory.

This latest story is about Kira, 13, and her incredible path to win a scholarship to Oxbridge.

To see the story click here https://www.thewestonmercury.co.uk/news/worle-student-bags-oxbridge-scholarship-8793732

To see more good news stories click: http://goodnewspost.co.uk/

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