
Our ambitious mission is to change millions of lives through people reading, writing and sharing positive stories.

We are a one-stop-shop ‘Tonic’ of good news for your body, mind and soul.

The Good News Post is a refreshing UK digital publication celebrating inspiring stories and uplifting journalism to boost your mood.

Our ambitious mission is to change millions of lives through people reading, writing and sharing positive good news stories.

The Good News Post gets behind charities and helps people smile. Here REVO helps two mental health charities

As Nelson Mandela said: “It’s always impossible until it is done.”

After years since Covid 19 of worsening division, hate and bad news stories in the media and on 24.7 social media, mental health for millions has nosedived.

Our newspaper aims to make people smile, laugh and to have a different mindset and perspective with a happier outlook on life.

We also get behind people and charities who are helping communities and the world by supporting their fundraising and PR.

Our editors and journalists are dedicated to spreading positivity and nurturing well-being through uplifting journalism, articles and tips.

Not only that, but we help to train hundreds of positive minded journalists through Jill Dando News. Aged 7 to 18 they are trained by professionals in the style and memory of former TV journalist Jill Dando.

And we feature regular TONIC tips to help boost your happiness and positive mental health..

The global mission is to be a source of inspirational stories, helpful articles of hope, and TONIC! tips to boost minds, lift spirits, and promote a healthier, happier outlook on life.

We offer a much-needed counterbalance to negativity and bad news by publicising good news stories and articles from around the UK and world.

Whether you're seeking motivation, enlightenment, or simply a momentary escape from the stresses of everyday life, the Good News Post is your online haven for feel-good narratives that nourish your mind, body, and soul. 

Join our ever-expanding community of optimistic readers and experience the transformative power of positive journalism.

For UK and World News stories contact news@goodnewspost.co.uk

The Good News Post aims to help train up 1 million young Jill Dando Journalists by 2030.

The Good News Post partners with other professional journalists in the Media in the UK and globally to train up the reporters.

We help young people to launch out into careers with roles, opportunities to interview top leaders, and have helped create a Mental Health Correspondent and a Disabilities Correspondent.

Young reporters are encouraged to follow in the footsteps of BBC TV legend Jill Dando with positivity, enthusiasm, authenticity, humility, kindness, empathy and ambition to become the best in their chosen fields.

Alex Crowther became the first graduate in 2017 and since then hundreds worldwide have been through the project.

Our newspaper is also aiming to train up 1 million young ‘Jill Dando’ journalists to help in getting positive news out of communities across the world and into the Media.

The Good News Post partners with other professional journalists to train up the expanding ‘army’ of Jill Dando News reporters aged 7 to 18. We help young people to launch out into careers with roles, opportunities to interview top leaders, and have helped create a Mental Health Correspondent and a Disabilities Correspondent.

Young reporters are encouraged to follow in the footsteps of BBC TV legend Jill Dando with positivity, enthusiasm, authenticity, humility, kindness, empathy and ambition to become the best in their chosen fields.

Alex Crowther became the first graduate in 2017 and since then hundreds worldwide have been through the project.

The Post was formed in 2016 to gather positive good news from across the world.

In 2017 Jill Dando News was created out of Jill’s former school Worle School in The Priory Learning Trust (TPLT).

Our newspaper gathers up professional journalists, editors, print, radio and TV train up the Jill Dando journalists who are aged 7 to 18.

For UK and World News stories contact news@goodnewspost.co.uk

Stories are all in the unique style of Jill - kind, positive and with a passion to make the world a better place.

Good news across the UK and World

The Jill Dando News project has taken the Jill Dando News reporters to Downing Street.
The reporters aged 9 to 12 were the first journalists in Britain to interview new Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Downing Street in August 2019.

The Good News Post becomes the first newspaper to interview Boris Johnson as Prime Minister in Downing Street

The reporters have seen their work and stories seen globally by millions.

Real life stories to cheer people up

Since 2017, hundreds of young people aged 8 to 18 in the UK have written real-life “news that’s good for you”, covering people, animals, stories to cheer people up, and tips to make lives better.

They are regularly trained by professional journalists from BBC including Fiona Bruce, ITV, Sky News, local, regional and national newspapers. Jill’s older brother, Nigel Dando has helped out since the beginning with his 48 years of journalism experience.

Malawi. Africa now has Jill Dando News reporters.

Jill Dando News has spread to Priory Academy also close to Jill’s childhood home, as well as primary and secondary schools in her much-loved county of Somerset.


With Jill thinking about becoming a missionary in Africa before choosing journalism to help to make her mark, our Jill Dando News has also now spread to Malawi, Africa in her memory.

Good news will always have the last word

With news now worse, darker and more accessible than any time in history, their Jill Dando-inspired project is expanding. Good news will always have the last word.

Click video below….

Two of the founding Jill Dando News reporters represent Britain at COP26 and featured on national news live

Jill’s legacy lives on and is expanding

Worle Academy in Weston-super-Mare is less than a mile from the childhood home of Jill who was murdered in 1999. It was the highest profile ever murder of a journalist in the UK. Her killer has never been caught.

Nigel Dando does the first ever annual Jill Dando lecture

Yet through Jill Dando News and their stories in the Good News Post and beyond, Jill’s legacy not only lives on but is expanding. Jill’s brother Nigel Dando helps in the training of young people

✔️ Training thousands of young people to become positive journalists.

✔️ Making the world a better place, turning bad news into good, bringing hope.

Jill Dando was murdered in London in 1999 at the peak of her powers, becoming the best TV journalist in the land. Not only that, but she ran her life and work with kindness, compassion, and a smile.

The smiling face of Britain

But her memory is very much alive with dozens of young reporters across Somerset and Britain writing stories for The Post, with Jill as their inspiration.

She was the smiling face of Britain. Now more than ever, the world needs that smile.

Jill Dando reporter Olivia, front left, with world author Jeffrey Archer, middle, Nigel Dando, left, and Oli Ballard, second left, and Andrew Scott, far right, at the launch of a Jill Dando News Centre

Our reporters were the first journalists in the world to interview Prime Minister Boris. Johnson inside Downing Street.

Our reporter Dawson interviews The Prime Minister Boris Johnson in front of millions of Tv viewers

Our reporters are trained by Jill’s older brother Nigel, 48 years a journalist, and a host of top flight Media people from across Britain.