Good news as one of world’s smallest penguins rescued on runway

Good news as one of world’s smallest penguins rescued on runway

By Jill Dando News

A pint-sized penguin has been rescued after it was spotted on a runway in New Zealand's capital.

The bird, native to New Zealand and the smallest species of penguin in the world, was transported to a rehabilitation centre at Wellington Zoo.

A pilot was moments away from taking off when the korora or little blue penguin - appeared on the tarmac at Wellington Airport

Airport staff raced to rescue the small bird as passengers waited on board.

The bird, native to New Zealand and the smallest species of penguin in the world, was transported to the Nest Te Kohanga at Wellington Zoo, which specialises in rehabilitating native wildlife.


It was only five weeks old.

Little blue penguins such as this are merely 25cm, weigh a little over 1kg and live to about 8-10 years old.

The centre described it as hungry and a little underweight, but otherwise healthy.

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