Young police cadets boosted by supermarket help

Young police cadets boosted by supermarket help

(By Liam Drury, Jill Dando News)

Local supermarket help Police Cadets in community boost

Asda have teamed up with the Weston-super-Mare Police Cadets to provide for the local community.

The self-funded Police Cadets are all aged 14 and 18 and help to provide public safety within the local area.

Asda Foundation has chosen to partner up with the cadets as they look to support the local community of Weston.

A spokesperson for Asda said: “We are delighted to help the community and to support the police cadets who do a tremendous job.”

This story was written by Jill Dando News, which was founded out of the TV legend‘s old school, Worle Community School Academy in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset. The reporters aged 9 to 25 find and publish positive good news stories out of the school and wider community,

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