Wonderful cancer support group has been continuing right through COVID-19 with phone calls to support its members

Wonderful cancer support group has been continuing right through COVID-19 with phone calls to support its members

By Jill Dando News

‘FUCHSIA’ meets in the community-based Nightjar Pub to support dozens of people with teas and coffees, support and encouragement.

They want to tell Weston-super-Mare and Worle residents that they are still available to support people during these tough times, even when face to face meetings are not possible.

Julie Crowther, who helps run the group, said: “It’s a real shame we have had to temporarily suspend our coffee mornings but it’s important to me that I keep in contact with all my FUCHSIA members.

“We can’t wait to all be reunited hopefully in the near future so we can celebrate our 10 year anniversary and continue with our fantastic, relaxed cancer support group”

Julie Crowther on the phone with FUCHSIA members

FUCHSIA meets 10-12 every Thursday morning at the NightJar Pub and plans to continue these weekly meetings in person when it’s safe to do so.

They are always ready to welcome new members to their group but you are more than welcome to contact Julie if you need any support over this difficult period.

FUCHSIA stands for Friendship, Understanding, Cancer Help and Support in Abundance

Contact Julie - 07896699627 or email her hello@fuchsia.org.uk

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