Why 40,000 young people are hopeful about the King Charles III era

Why 40,000 young people are hopeful about the King Charles III era

By Jill Dando News

Britain’s young people have been asked how they felt about the future after the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - and it’s good news.

Inspirational organisation, VotesforSchools asked Secondary and College voters to consider: “Will the future feel different to the second Elizabethan era?”.

They also asked Primary age 5-11 voters the question: “Do you feel comfortable with change?”.

It meant nearly 40,000 young people discussed the death of Queen Elizabeth and the accession of King Charles III. They considered whether the future will be different under a new king.

The results were surprising, with many young people expressing hope for the future, particularly with regards to climate change.

On the primary vote, 52.5% voted ‘Yes’ but most comments explained that this was because they felt they had to be due to the importance and/or inevitability of change.

With the older children, multiple comments stated that climate change could be a reason for change and even suggested that King Charles’ environmental activism could have an influence on future decision making.

Kate Harris, Founder, VotesforSchools, said: ”Following the recent passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, our voters explored her significant 70 years on the throne and what possible changes the future may hold as His Majesty King Charles III begins his reign.

“They considered how smaller adjustments may impact our daily lives, such as changes to stamps and the national anthem as well as larger societal shifts.

'With much change happening at the moment, we were keen to speak to our children and find out how they were feeling about the future.”

For full report see https://www.votesforschools.com/results/culture-media-the-arts/elizabethan-era/?utm_source=Impact+VoteResults&utm_campaign=83598406dd-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_09_21_01_55_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a206644375-83598406dd-667368754

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