“Unite together - you really can make the world of difference to the planet.” Student Jack, 15, gives his ‘Dream Solution’ to the climate crisis.

“Unite together - you really can make the world of difference to the planet.” Student Jack, 15, gives his ‘Dream Solution’ to the climate crisis.

The year 2019 marked a turning point for climate change advocacy.

Organisations such as Extinction Rebellion and people like Greta Thunberg had the world focused on their every move.

But what can we do to help and what exactly is the dream solution?

Over the last few months we’ve seen the nation come together to support each other during the coronavirus pandemic.

From the Clap for Carers initiative to the people displaying rainbows in their windows we’ve seen communities work together to support those who need it during the pandemic.

This uniting of people to help those in need is what is most needed to solve the climate crisis.

We need people united in the fight against climate change in order to solve a problem.

Some people may never believe that climate change is a real problem that will affect them but the more people that realise the enormity of this fight, the easier it will be to solve it.

Although we often talk about a number of solutions to climate change, each one has its pros and cons.

To help climate change we don’t need to completely overhaul our entire lives. What we need is to all make small changes.

You don’t need to throw away your car or go vegan but make a conscious decision if maybe today you could walk or cycle to school.

Or could you maybe try planting some vegetables in your back garden? If you work, perhaps you could share a ride with a colleague or friend.

It’s little actions like these that, if we all did them, could make the world of difference.

(Jack is a student at Worle Community School Academy in Somerset)

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