Today is a good day! £33 million charity man Tom, 100, to become Sir Tom after giving hope to the world during coronavirus crisis

Today is a good day! £33 million charity man Tom, 100, to become Sir Tom after giving hope to the world during coronavirus crisis

In what is one of the best good news stories of the year during the miserable Covid-19 crisis, Colonel Tom Moore who single-handedly raised £33 million for NHS charities is to be knighted by the Queen.

The retired army Captain, aimed to raise 1,000 for NHS charities by doing 100 laps of garden near Bedford using his walking frame - but he ended up raising a whopping £33 million.

His story of optimism, inspiration and hope has given hope to Britain and the world. The plucky World War Two veteran even broke his hip 18 months ago.

Now he has been given what the Good News Post called for last month, a knighthood.

His autobiography, ‘Tomorrow Will Be A Good Day’ is out in the autumn.

Tom said: “I am absolutely overwhelmed. Never for one moment could I have imagined I would be awarded with such a great honour. I’d like to thank Her Majesty The Queen, the Prime Minister and the Great British public. I will remain at your service.

He added: “This started as something small and I’ve been overwhelmed by the gratitude and love from the British public and beyond. We must take this opportunity to recognise our frontline heroes of the National Health Service who put their lives at risk every day to keep us safe.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “Colonel Tom’s fantastic fundraising broke records, inspired the whole country and provided us all with a beacon of light through the fog of coronavirus.

“On behalf of everyone who has been moved by his incredible story, I want to say a huge thank you. He’s a true national treasure.”

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