Thanks for coming! Staff of BBC HQ’s Media City wow hundreds at former school of TV legend 

Thanks for coming! Staff of BBC HQ’s Media City wow hundreds at former school of TV legend 

By Archie, 15, and other Jill Dando News reporters at WCSA

Hundreds of children have been inspired to achieve wonderful lives by speakers and staff from the BBC’s HQ Media City in Salford, Manchester.

They were visiting Worle Community School academy in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset - the former school of BBC legend Jill Dando.

They conducted a full day of talks around the theme Share Your Story, conducted by BBC staff as part of their 100 Year Celebration and tour of UK schools.

They were then quizzed by our Jill Dando News reporters who learned tips and skills about work, life and even comedy. They also learned about the wonderful students at WCSA and their stories.


A Jill Dando News spokesperson said: “The BBC were out of this world. Thanks so much for coming.”

Jill Dando News reporters will now write up several stories about the BBC’s visit - more news soon!

Jill Dando News began at WCSA as part of The Priory Learning Trust and is now across many schools and involving hundreds of students.

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Professional journalists such as Jill’s brother, Nigel Dando, Emma Brittan, and a wide array of local, regional and UK journalists such as Sophy Ridge have helped the training.


Their real-life news assignments including interviewing the Prime Minister Boris Johnson three times, Fiona Bruce and a host more.

And it has expanded to Malawi, Africa just before lockdown in a project run by In 1999, 37 year old, Jill Dando was BBC TV’s Golden Girl, the kind and smiling face of Britain, loved by millions.

For more stories from Jill Dando News visit


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