Students celebrate GCSE results after five years of hard work despite the challenge of Covid-19

Students celebrate GCSE results after five years of hard work despite the challenge of Covid-19

Story and photos by Joel, 12, Jill Dando News

The King Alfred School Academy in Somerset celebrated the achievements of every single student, in a year when lockdown saw GCSE exams cancelled for the first time.

This years results follow an excellent two years for TKASA since being led by The Priory Learning Trust and new Principal Nathan Jenkins.

Last Thursday the sixth form students also excelled themselves with excellent A-level results. A huge proportion of the GCSE students will now go onto the impressive school-based sixth form.

Nathan said: “Congratulations to all our students today. I am really pleased that the students have achieved the results they deserve.

“It’s been a tough year for them but we are so proud of the way they have handled it and thrilled that they can now move on to the next stage of their education”.

Student Will Leader said: “My grades were really good. I’m now looking forward to going into the sixth form here at King Alfred School to study four A-Levels.”

Neville Coles, CEO of The Priory Learning Trust, said: “A very big well done to the class of 2020 - as always, we are delighted to see some great GCSE results for our students and wish them well in their future journeys.

“As always, we are very pleased to reward academic success but are always mindful to to note that school is about much more than examination grades.

“Our young people leave with a wide range of educational experiences and we hope with a well-rounded character that will prepare them well for the challenges ahead.

“A very big thank you to all parents and carers who have supported us and the students in what can only be described as challenging times.

“We look forward to 2021 with renewed hope and wish all staff and students well for the new school year starting next week. As normal thank you to all our dedicated staff and to our colleagues in the primary sector who passed on these great young people to us five years ago.”

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