<strong>Six-year-old Albie raises whopping £885 of money for epilepsy charity  </strong>

<strong>Six-year-old Albie raises whopping £885 of money for epilepsy charity  </strong>

Evie, 11, Jill Dando News @ PCSA

Amazing six year old Castle Batch Primary School student, Albie Groves, who was diagnosed with epilepsy this year, raised a whopping £885 from a fun run.

His incredible feat of fundraising for the charity Young Epilepsy, far surpassed his original target of £200!

A charity spokesperson said: “We support children and young people, as well as their families, from the point of diagnosis through to transitioning into adulthood.”

Albie’s mum, Cherry Groves said: “We are super proud of his resilience, he is our hero and we really want him to be celebrated.

You can support Albie and his amazing cause here.

(This story was written by Evie, aged 11, of Priory Community School Academy PCSA, part of Jill Dando News)

You can support Albie and his amazing cause here.

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