Shakespeare board games made during Covid19 lockdown

Shakespeare board games made during Covid19 lockdown

By Jill Dando News

Students create board games to keep Shakespeare alive with stunning creativity from home during Covid19 lockdown

Amber and Eric, 12, both designed their very own board game based on The Tempest.

And William Stiddard, aged 12, and Olivia Mason-Hardy, 12, created hanging mobiles to showcase the themes and plot of the play.

Teachers at the school in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset have been blown away by some of their innovative ways to represent Shakespeare's play The Tempest: a play about power, betrayal, love and forgiveness - all set on a magical island.

The students had been set some optional creative tasks to keep them busy during the coronavirus lockdown period.

Teacher Sarah O'Gorman said: “It so uplifting to see students engaging with Shakespearian stories and getting creative with their time at home.

“Entries are still coming in and include island-shaped cakes, model ships and modernised poems.”

The school has also been making thousands of NHS face masks during Covid19 for the NHS. Students aged 11 to 14 and staff across Priory and The Priory Learning Trust schools (TPLT) in Somerset have made them for local doctors, Weston General Hospital, Musgrove Hospital in Taunton, and the Children’s Hospice South West.

It’s an amazing community partnership and show of support for the NHS during the coronavirus crisis.

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