Sainsburys and TK Maxx give flowers and goodies to school staff

Sainsburys and TK Maxx give flowers and goodies to school staff

(By Lacey), 13, Jill Dando News

Pupils and staff at a Weston primary school have thanked Sainsbury’s and TK Maxx for an amazing generous gesture of food and supplies.

Sainsbury’s gifted St Anne’s Church Academy at West Wick 20 big bunches of flowers one for each staff working in the school during the world coronavirus crisis.

TK Maxx also sent a box of goodies to all staff from Castle Batch Primary School Academy, St Anne's and Priory Pre school who are working from St Anne's at West Wick.

Lisa Dadds of The Priory Learning Trust that runs St Anne’s said: “Thank you to Sainsbury’s for their really kind gesture in giving flowers to all staff in school at West Wick. We are grateful to both these firms for their support. It means a lot to us.”

Lacey, 13, said: “A thank you to all key workers who are pushing on to make sure children get the best education they can. Thank you on behalf of the world. Make sure you help your communities.”

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