Pupils enjoy lesson using chime bar, cat toy and jigsaw piece

Pupils enjoy lesson using chime bar, cat toy and jigsaw piece

(By Henry Jones, 10, and Jasmine, Jill Dando News)

Castle Batch Primary School Academy has introduced a new way of teaching personal, social and health education through the much aclaimed Jigsaw programme.

Items have been delivered to each class which include a chime bar, a cat toy and a jigsaw piece.

The items all have important uses. The chime is used to make the children work on their breathing; in addition, the cat (Jerry) is used for pause points to give people time to think. Finally, the jigsaw pieces are to support us in our lessons.

Year Six student Leah Chilcot said: “I enjoy the group things and games because I like to hear people’s opinion on things. When they ring the chime bell, instead of feeling nervous, I feel comfortable. I have learnt how other people feel about things.”

Castle Batch Primary School is one of six schools that make up The Priory Learning Trust, which includes secondary schools Priory Community School Academy and Worle Community School Academy. http://www.castlebatch.n-somerset.sch.uk

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