Prom dresses, suits and shoes available as amazing charity preloved prom shop opens today

Prom dresses, suits and shoes available as amazing charity preloved prom shop opens today
A photo by

By Jill Dando News

A preloved prom shop opens today, Tuesday 16th April, at Priory Community School Academy in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset.

The preloved prom shop will have sustainable formal-ware including dresses, suits, shoes and other accessories available for only a suggested £20 donation.

At the same time the school will also be doing a uniform and coat sale and proceeds from both events will be donated to the @wsmfoodbank

All the outfits are sustainable and affordable.

The Priory Learning Trust initiative opens tomorrow between 3.30pm and 6pm.

Pastoral Assistant Becki Page said: “Call in to have a browse. There are suits and dresses for all tastes and preferences.

“All funds will be donated to Weston Foodbank and used to support our prom.

A groundbreaking PreLoved Prom dress scheme started in 2019 at The King Alfred School Academy in Highbridge, Somerset - also part of The Priory Learning Trust.

It has since seen hundreds of dresses donated from across Britain up to the value of £500.

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