Olivia wins prestigious Oxford University Masterclass place

Olivia wins prestigious Oxford University Masterclass place

By Jill Dando News

Olivia, 16, of The King Alfred School Academy, in Highbridge, Somerset, has made it onto Oxford University’s MasterClasses to prepare for medical school.

Olivia left Worle Community School Academy in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset in September after an amazing five years including being founding reporter of Jill Dando News.

She has continued to soar at TKASA and is a thriving part of the sixth form.

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Record numbers each year are applying from the sixth form for the very top universities including Oxford and Cambridge.

Head of Sixth Form Jonathan Gaskell said: “Olivia has done brilliantly to get on such a prestigious masterclass for one of the world’s best universities.”

The sixth form is part of The Priory Learning Trust and is attracting students from schools in Weston-super-Mare including Priory Community School Academy, Worle Community School Academy, as well as Bridgwater.

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