Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm finalists in awards

Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm finalists in awards

By Jill Dando News

The world leading Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm are finalists in a prestigious award.

They won through the final stages of teh Accessible and Inclusive tourism in the Visit England Awards for Excellence!

Noah's Ark Zoo Farm in North Somerset, England has been working on its Ark for All programme for over 5 years with the vision to become a place where EVERYONE feels welcome and able to enjoy their day out, have fun, re-connect with nature, and being inspired by amazing animals.

They continue to act on feedback to make Noah's Ark an accessible and inclusive place for all.

Picture Credit - Noahs Ark Zoo Farm

This vision has become a core part of the Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm charity’s aims.

Larry Bush, Managing Director said: "We are absolutely thrilled to have been named as a finalist in the Visit England Awards for Excellence 2023 in the Accessible and Inclusive tourism category.

“We strive to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for all our visitors.

This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team, who have worked tirelessly to make our Zoo accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

“We are excited to continue our efforts to make our Zoo a place where everyone can have a memorable experience and connect with nature.”

Over the past 5 years they have introduced a range of accessibility features to ensure that the Zoo is easily navigable for visitors with disabilities.

These include wide paths throughout the Zoo, mobility scooter hire, accessible toilets and a changing places facility, accessible play facilities, as well as accessible viewing platforms in the animal enclosures.

Additionally, the Zoo has trained its staff to be more aware of the needs of visitors with disabilities and how to provide assistance and support.


The motivations behind these efforts stem from the charity’s belief that everyone should be able to enjoy and experience the wonder of wildlife as well as create lasting memories together with friends and family.

It is well known that there are significant benefits to wellbeing by connecting with nature and being active outdoors.

By creating a welcoming and accessible environment, Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm hope to break down barriers and encourage visitors with disabilities to visit the Zoo and engage with animals.

Noah’s Ark recognises that providing accessibility and inclusivity is not only the right thing to do, but it also makes good business sense, as it enables us to welcome a wider range of visitors and provide a fantastic experience for all.

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