Meet couple passionate to make their town the kindest and safest in Britain

Meet couple passionate to make their town the kindest and safest in Britain

By Good News Post

Dave and Penny Hynds lead the new ROC WSM which aims to build safer and kinder communities in Weston-super-Mare and Worle over the years to come.

Formed in February just before Covid19 lockdown, their organisation has seen hundreds of volunteers offer their time, giving food and other help to people in Weston and Worle.

They are bringing together an unprecedented group of organisations and individuals, including police, NHS, councils, schools, charities and action team to help make the town better place.

They now want to see a safer town, with ripples of kindness across communities.

Penny said: “Our dream would be to see kindness cascading right across communities in this town, and a sharp reduction in crime, and the area being a much safer place to live.

“Our role is not to solve everything but to bring people together, brainstorm ideas, and make sure these things get done.”

ROC is a national movement which has seen huge improvements to people’s lives in Manchester, Bradford and other areas. Now it has come to Weston super Mare.

In their first action, they secured £4,000 from the North Somerset Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) fund to use for new initiatives that will help tackle, prevent and reduce the harmful impact of violence in their communities.

Penny added: “These are extraordinary times and kindness and safer communities will be increasingly in demand.

“We would encourage people and groups to get in touch and let’s make this town the best place in Britain to live.”

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