Good news for dog owners! People with pooches more likely to feel loved

Good news for dog owners! People with pooches more likely to feel loved

By Jill Dando News

Dogs have become a pet of choice for millions in Britain, America and across the world.

Now in a latest study, it looks like they also make us feel more loved.

Owning a dog may have cushioned owners from some of the negative psychological impacts of the Covid19 pandemic, a new study suggests.

Researchers in St Louis, Missouri found that those who own a dog have been significantly less depressed throughout the pandemic than those who would like to own one, but do not.


People who owned a dog gave higher scores, on average, when they were asked to rate how much social support they had around them.

This was defined in three parts: a feeling of being cared for; the belief that one is loved, esteemed and valued; and a sense of belonging to a reciprocal network.

(Pictures from

Previous studies have shown that dogs can be beneficial to mental health.

Dawn Carey, Head of fast-growing In Charley’s Memory mental health charity, has their own therapy dog Jeffrey, A King Charles Spaniel. He helps bring peace and calm to people young and old.

She said: “I think this study would be absolutely correct. Having a dog can bring companionship, affection and definitely can make us feel more loved.”

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