Inspirational students help town centre

Inspirational students help town centre

Worle students are celebrating two years on the Weston Youth Council with a raft of new measures.

Joshua Keyes, Treasurer, and Olivia Finch, Vice Chair, from Worle Community school Academy have been attending Youth Council, helping to suggest improvements to the town.

Their suggestions to improve the town include making Weston a more environmentally friendly place with litter picks and reducing plastic, and making a statue out of plastic bottles.

They are also planning more community events to raise money for In Charley’s Memory, the mental health charity, which is also The Priory Learning Trust’s Charity of the year.

Olivia said “Being apart of the Youth Council is such an honour, as I get to have an influence and a say on things happening within Weston and be a voice for youths around the area. We are planning events to help the community and also charity.”

The Youth Council meet monthly at Weston’s YMCA, getting the best out of Weston for the youth and are helping make the town a happy place for all. It has been running since 2000 and is still continuing to help make Weston great for our youth.

Joshua said: "Being part of the Youth Council is Great. I am proud to be the Youth Council Treasurer.”

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