High-flying Sophie to return back to brilliant Sixth Form to mentor others to careers in medicine

High-flying Sophie to return back to brilliant Sixth Form to mentor others to careers in medicine

By Jill Dando News

A high-flying university medical student is to return to mentor current students at her former school-based sixth form

Outstanding Sophie Fenegan (pictured left) is thriving as a medical student at the University of Exeter.

She is conducting brain dissections, community placements at a brain injury centre and psychiatric unit, as well as a GP placement.

Now she is set to return to the school-based sixth form at the The King Alfred School Academy in Highbridge, Somerset where she achieved A grades in Biology, Chemistry and Geography.

She will mentor current TKASA students who are also inspired to go into the field of medicine as they prepare their university applications.

She herself was mentored by another former A level student of TKASA, Yanika Johnson (pictured below) who is one of the leading young doctors based at the University of Southampton.

Head of Sixth Form Jonathan Gaskell said: “Sophie is thriving in her medical studies and loving life at university. We are delighted that she will be able to help our current students as they prepare for their careers in the same field.”

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Sophie was a key member of the TKASA Sixth Form MedSoc and Human Evolution Society where students learn medical anatomy and prepare to make competitive applications to leading medical schools in the UK.

Despite Medicine being the most competitive course in the UK, the TKASA has a strong tradition of preparing students for medical school.

TKASA students also head for other universities including at Cambridge and Oxford, Cardiff, St Andrews, Queen’s in Belfast, King's College in London, Durham, Sheffield, University College London, the London School of Economics, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Lancaster, Exeter, Bristol and Loughborough.

In the three years since becoming part of The Priory Learning Trust the school and Sixth Form have thrived, attracting students from Weston-super-Mare, Bridgwater and even internationally.

Anyone looking to study A-levels in a high performing Sixth Form is encouraged to take a look at the  website https://www.tkasa.org.uk and to make contact with Mr Gaskell via email jgaskell@tkasa.org.uk

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