Good News Post expands across the world - is your school next?

Good News Post expands across the world - is your school next?

Hearing Good News has miraculous effects on our brains. Everyone needs more of it, especially in our current era of 24.7 saturation fear. So the Good News Post wants to expand.

If you’re a head teacher in a school in any nation, we can help you set up a Good News Centre.

These explode positive, inspirational news out of your school and children across the community, nation and world.

Everyone benefits.

Good News boosts mental wellbeing, and inspires kindness and hope.

A latest centre is in Malawi, Africa where a Jill Dando News Centre was launched by English teacher Sarah O’ Gorman.

The Editor says: “2020 has been a rollercoaster of war, terror and now a virus pandemic.

”We want Head Teachers who are keen to change the story and the minds of young people and their nations to get in touch.

”If you have positive stories you would like to do, get in touch. Good news knows no bounds.”

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