Eco Archie, 14, gets personal handwritten praise letter from TV’s Alan Titchmarsh

Eco Archie, 14, gets personal handwritten praise letter from TV’s Alan Titchmarsh

By Liam Drury, Jill Dando News

A teenage school eco warrior was been wowed after receiving a personal handwritten letter from his hero global TV gardening guru Alan Titchmarsh.

Inspirational Archie, of Worle Community School Academy (WCSA) in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset has received a personal letter and signed autograph from TV gardening legend, Alan Titchmarsh.

Archie, who is the new Eco President at WCSA, was praised by Mr Titchmarsh after his heroic environmental work in gardens and parks across the town over the last two years.


The letter from Alan Titchmarsh

He is now also the Eco President successor to Head Boy Jack Clark – who graduated from the school this year to mingle with Ministers at COP26 in Glasgow after his international eco-awards.

Archie dreams of being a TV landscaping gardener and was absolutely stunned to receive the letter from Mr Titchmarsh.
In the letter, Alan said: “I’m absolutely delighted that you have taken to gardening, especially since it involves the school of someone I know and admired - Jill Dando.

“Do keep on growing things. It is so important and I am cheered to think that you have decided to join me on my mission to spread the word about its importance to others.

“Good luck in all you do”.

Archie said: “Mr Titchmarsh is a hero of mine. I would love to be a TV gardener one day. I really enjoy what I do and I’m delighted to be the new Eco President of the school.”

During lockdown, Archie cleared eight full bin bags full of rubbish, rubble, bushes, thorns and weeds from his local park.

Not only that but he straightened paving slabs and the grass so mums with buggies, residents and the elderly could walk in safety.

In other council park clean ups he has also even kept bird feeders full of bird seed.

The big hearted teenager also helped to clean up over 100 private gardens since Lockdown 2020 - paid by local residents through a business he started.

Principal Jacqui Scott said: “This is yet another phenomenal achievement by Archie who is making superb waves with his environmental work. Thank you to Mr Titchmarsh for going the extra mile with his congratulations.”

Jack Clark along with Olivia Finch achieved incredible things as Head Boy and Head Girl during their time at WCSA, part of The Priory Learning Trust, (TPLT) and were rewarded by representing the UK at COP26 in Glasgow.

WCSA has won UK and international awards for its futuristic eco-work including electric car chargers, bikes, travel to school changes and communications, and installation of 1,132 solar panels.

Jack helped drive the changes by forming his student-led Climate Justice Revolution (CJR) group and by creating The Green Gazette magazine.

WCSA also finished semi-finalists in the international Global Social Leaders competition involving over 600 teams from 105 countries. It was awarded the prestigious Green Flag for its achievements

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