Dozens of delighted students have had a brilliant first week back at a high-flying school

Dozens of delighted students have had a brilliant first week back at a high-flying school

By Jill Dando news

The King Alfred School Academy in Highbridge, Somerset saw dozens of Year 10 students return to enjoy lessons as facilities partially re-opened.

They had 90% of students in as well as the vulnerable and key worker students.

Students enjoyed lessons in the core subjects lasting around three hours and contact with their tutors.

The school has put in place extra safety measures to abide by the social distancing guidelines. They have hand sanitizers, extra signs and posters, with social distancing lines about the school site to keep the students and staff safe

The site now has a complete and thorough clean on Fridays and over the weekend.

Principal Nathan Jenkins said: “We are delighted with how this first week back has gone. The students were brilliant, it was great to see them, and they were abiding by all of the social distancing and cleaning guidelines.

When I first opened the gates on Monday morning to the students, the change in atmosphere around the school was incredible. A real sense of excitement rippled around the site. I feel privileged to be able to work with such a committed team of staff and students.

“There were many happy faces at the end of each day. They were delighted to be back.”

The sixth form students are meeting at the school on Fridays, and all of them will be in touch with their tutors over the summer.”

TKASA is one of the south west’s fastest improving schools with a high achieving and caring ethos and sixth form.

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