Disneyland, camping, friends and family - students remember summer of fun 

Disneyland, camping, friends and family - students remember summer of fun 

By Grace and Chloe, aged 10, Jill Dando News

Summer might be turning into autumn and students are thriving at school but for many, the summer memories are ones of fun, as our Jill Dando News reporters found out.

With the end of pandemic restrictions, one student even visited Disneyland Paris - which had celebrated its 30th birthday in recent years - including its Avengers Campus.

Disneyland Paris (photo via Disneyland.com)

The summer holidays for pupils at Castle Batch Primary School Academy (CBPSA) in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset were full of joy and achievement as our Jill Dando News reporters found out.

Many students visited friends and family and relaxed at home while some went abroad and enjoyed leaving home.

”I went to Disneyland Paris. It felt weird going abroad again,” explained a Year 6 child.

Others went camping, stayed at home and some even stayed in hotels.

Children played games and chilled in their room and the majority of students were overjoyed at the thought of 5 weeks of no school but they would miss their friends.

The children stayed safe in the sun, had lots of fun and spent time with family and friends.

For more stories from Jill Dando News visit http://www.goodnewspost.co.uk

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