Could Joy’s nurse sign language solution be taken up by hospitals across Britain?

Could Joy’s nurse sign language solution be taken up by hospitals across Britain?

Exclusive by Good News Post

Joy Grimsby, The Priory Learning Trust (TPLT) teaching assistant, is helping nurses at Nightingale Hospital in Bristol during Covid-19.

Nursing staff found they cannot communicate when wearing PPE so needed a way to communicate to each other through sign language – so they turned to Joy, a Makaton expert.

Joy, who is a  higher level teaching assistant of Castle Batch Primary School Academy in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset is passing on her huge expertise in Makaton sign language with teaching posters next to every patients’ bed.

Now after her story was covered by the BBC and other Media increasingly across the UK, the idea could be taken up by other hospitals.

Dozens of students and staff at The Priory Learning Trust have also now made 3500 face masks and are on their way to making 100 PPE scrubs and sets for the NHS and care homes.

Lisa Dadds of The Priory Learning Trust which oversees Castle Batch said: “Our schools are excited to be helping out with the NHS as this challenging time. We are delighted that Joy has been able to offer her amazing skills for such a brilliant cause.”

The TPLT’s 50-strong face masks and scrubs teams have also been distributing the items to health workers across the region.

The schools involved include Priory Community School Academy (PCSA), Worle Community School Academy and The King Alfred School Academy (TKASA).

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