Colossal collection for Foodbank from generous students

Colossal collection for Foodbank from generous students

Tamsen and Mia, 13, Jill Dando News

There has been yet another colossal collection for Foodbank by generous students.

Multiple boxes of Christmas treats, food items and toiletries have been donated by students and staff at Priory Community School Academy, Weston-super-Mare in the lead up to Christmas.

A huge assortment was delivered to families in need.  

For the past couple of years, the school has collected items to support families over the festive period via the charity Foodbank across Weston-super-Mare.


The need has increased over recent times amidst the effect of Covid 19.

School members were encouraged to bring in tinned goods, cooking sauces, juice, toiletries, family games and gifts for children to share the festive love.  

Students brought their offerings in and gathered them under the school Christmas tree.

The items were delivered to Weston Foodbank.

Sainsbury's Worle is also accepting Foodbank donations for anyone who would still like to give.

Principal Angelos Markoutsas said: “Thank you to each and every person who has donated to this very worthy cause.”

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