Brilliant eco students place happiness and oxygen boosting plants in every school classroom

Brilliant eco students place happiness and oxygen boosting plants in every school classroom

By Jill Dando News

Green-fingered students have introduced two pretty Schedfflera Janine plants to go in every classroom across their school.

The students at Priory Community School Academy (PCSA) in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset have placed two plants in every single room in an eco-boosting exercise.

It is the latest amazing initiative by the school’s futuristic The PCSA Eco group (PECO) which includes Shannon (pictured).


Students are now naming the plants and ensuring they are filled with compost and watered regularly.

Research says that plants make you happier and increase the levels of oxygen in the room so students have welcomed the change.

Principal Markoutsas said: “This is a fabulous initiative by our eco students. It is wonderful to see even more greenery across the school.”

PCSA planted 420 trees back in November which Her Majesty the Queen then uploaded to her Jubilee Tree Planting Green Canopy map.

The Queen’s Green Canopy letter said: “Thank you for your contribution to this special initiative which we hope will inspire countless others.

“With you support we are creating a greener UK and a legacy in honour of The Queen’s leadership of the nation which will benefit future generations.”

A member of the Eco club, Mark, 13, quoted that “the eco committee decided to add plants as it is a good way to make the school even better in many ways”.

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