Big-hearted students raise multiple thousands for charities even despite COVID-19 lockdown

Big-hearted students raise multiple thousands for charities even despite COVID-19 lockdown

By Jill Dando News

Award-winning Worle Community School Academy raised nearly £3000 for The Priory Learning Trust Charity of the year In Charley’s Memory.

The popular Weston-super-Mare Academy in Somerset also raised £588.07 for Sport Relief and £463.60  for Children In Need by sharing the money raised on their respective non-uniform days.

And after the Australian fire disaster, at the request of year 10 student Jack Clark and his The Climate Justice Revolution student group, an additional non-uniform day and other fundraising activities were organised on behalf of The Australian Red Cross and the World Wildlife Fund.

They raised £529.32 for the Australian Red Cross and £517.79 for the World Wildlife Fund.

The brilliant Academy kicked off the fundraising with Year 7 students with tutor Tina Burrows, seeing them raise £100 in record quick time.

In Charley’s Memory is the chosen charity of The Priory Learning Trust and helps hundreds of 11 to 25 year olds with their mental health.

Tina said: “I was stunned at what my students had done. It was a brilliant amount to raise. They are just the best group of students anyone could ever wish for. They are generous, caring and thoughtful.”

Principal Jacqui Scott said “Our students, parents, carers and community amaze me every year with their giving. Even despite the coronavirus lockdown, they have still managed to raise large amounts of money for a fantastic causes both local and right around the world.”

WCSA is the home of the Jill Dando News Centre, and the academy is a high-achieving and caring academy.

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