Bear Grylls book inspires resilience and literacy

Bear Grylls book inspires resilience and literacy

(Story and photo by Jill Dando News reporters)

Amazing students learning resilience and literacy with an inspirational Bear Grylls book

Brilliant year 7 students at Priory Community School Academy have been reading Mud, Sweat and Tears' by adventurous legend Bear Grylls.

The book traces Bear's life, career and first triumph going up Mount Everest.

The students read 20 minutes in tutor time every morning and the book provides many conversations and follow-up about resilience and getting back up again.

PCSA has a passion for every child to become excellent readers and to enjoy books as hobbies.

Student Ethan Cooke said: “I would give this book 4 out of 5 stars because it was very interesting, funny and enjoyable.

“My favourite part was when Bear was in Eton because it was fun learning about his past and what it was like.”

Teacher Sarah O’ Gorman said: “The students have really embraced the book and it has been a really good learning experience and providing many talking points.”

Four years ago, one of our Good News Post reporters, aged 9, covered Bear’s opening of a Bear Grylls Inspiration Centre at a school in Hungerford.

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