An amazing organisation helping thousands of children wins a business heroes of COVID-19 commendation

An amazing organisation helping thousands of children wins a business heroes of COVID-19 commendation

The Bristol-based company Community of Purpose created a new programme, ‘Board Games for Bored Kids’, which delivers games and food to some of the city’s most disadvantaged children.

The city has 13,500 children on Free School Meals, which includes 70% of children living in South Bristol.

COP has worked hard to ensure they have food parcels and vouchers, so they’re not going hungry.

But they are also very likely to be stuck at home with no access to a garden, to the internet or with any games to play – so COP also provide games for those most in need.

They were included in a Business Leader tribute feature to the heroes of COVID-19.

Oli Ballard, Director of Business Leader, said: “Well done to Community of Purpose and all the other businesses included in the feature.

”The world of business has been decimated by the impact of the coronavirus, which has affected all sectors and companies of all sizes. However, in times like these, there are often beaming lights of inspiration that people can get behind to help us get through this.

“As a result, Business Leader Magazine has highlighted 32 businesses – and their leaders – who have gone above and beyond for their staff, community and the wider UK. The heroes selected were suggested by our readers.

We are aware that there are hundreds of examples of great leadership though these troubling times.”

To see others who received a commendation see

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