Amazing schools and community make PPE to help front line workers fight Covid-19

Amazing schools and community make PPE to help front line workers fight Covid-19

Two schools, students, parents and the community have been helping NHS nurses, carers and frontline staff fight Covid-19 by coming together to make urgent PPE including face visors.

In an amazing community partnership and show of support for the NHS and workers during the coronavirus crisis, John O’ Gaunt and St John’s School in Marlborough, have been helping out hard pressed frontline staff.

Head of Technology, Gary England, and others, have made hundreds of reusable visors for the NHS, supplied equally to both Wiltshire and West Berkshire.

Staff, parents and students have been providing some 100 scrubs bags for the NHS, some over printed with messages for the NHS.

And JOG PSA have also already raised over £2000 to help pay for materials to expand the work, while Hungerford Rotary Club and Greenham Common Trust have helped pay for a 3D printer upgrade to help the work.

JOG headteacher Corinne Walker said: “This is an amazing and unprecedented venture.

“Our schools and the entire community have all come together to help at this time of national crisis

“We have been very fortunate to have been offered funding from Hungerford Rotary Club to upgrade our classroom small 3D printer to a spec that will be able to produce the quality needed, which meets the required standards for the NHS.

“Thank you to everyone who has helped out. We remain indebted to the Rotary Club and its members along with Greenham Common Trust who enabled this to happen.”

Areas the schools have been helping are carers and nurses who travel across the region to Lambourn, Froxfield, GWH and Wroughton, NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire CCG, Eastfield House Surgery, Newbury and others.

People can donate to the cause via Sort Code: 30-94-46 Account Number: 00249396 Name: John O’ Gaunt School PSA (please reference JOGPSA Covid19)

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