All good news! Thousands of copies of a good news newspaper go out across a town and county

All good news! Thousands of copies of a good news newspaper go out across a town and county

The latest The Post, packed full of good news is going out across shops and places in a town and county.

Written by Jill Dando reporters aged 8 to 18, it features excellent stories from schools and the community, and to cheer people up.

Thousands of copies are going out right across the community of Weston-super-Mare, Worle and Somerset.

Olivia, 15, Student Editor and of Worle Community School Academy, has a wonderful front page story about Belinda, who took on the might of Google to help the lives of millions of disabled people.

Environment Editor, Jack, 15, is featured with his amazing new magazine the Green Gazette.

And there are other stories on inspirational people, charities and teachers and students who are helping the NHS and others during COVID-19.

WCSA Principal Jacqui Scott said: ”This is a superb edition of The Post. Well done to all the students who took part. We were delighted to see the story of our former student Belinda who has achieved something to help the lives of millions of people in the years to come.”

Jill Dando News reporters at The Priory Learning Trust put the newspaper together. Jill Dando was a former student of Worle, and rose to become Britain’s best journalist before being murdered in 1999. Now dozens of students in her memory are writing good news stories. Jill’s brother Nigel, a professional journalist of 48 years, helps in the training along with other professional reporters.

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