3500 NHS face masks and up to 100 scrubs made by Academy Trust schools

3500 NHS face masks and up to 100 scrubs made by Academy Trust schools

By Jill Dando News

Dozens of students and staff at an Academy Trust have now made 3500 face masks and are on their way to making 100 PPE scrubs and sets for the NHS and care homes.

The schools of the Priory Learning Trust (TPLT) in Somerset have rallied together for 41 days solid to help the NHS battle Covid-19.

Their 50-strong face masks and scrubs teams have also been distributing the items to health workers across the region across Weston-super-Mare, Highbridge, Burnham, Taunton and beyond with the help of the Grand Pier and donating local businesses.

Neville Coles, CEO of TPLT said: “This has been a tremendous effort to help health workers who have been desperately in need.

“We wanted to let health workers, the NHS and carers know we are supporting them in the battle against coronavirus.”

The schools involved include Priory Community School Academy (PCSA), Worle Community School Academy and The King Alfred School Academy (TKASA).

For two weeks, a 16-strong sewing team schools have made 20 sets of scrubs, 24 tops and 15 sets, and have 30 sets on order.

The items are being given to care homes, local doctors, Weston General Hospital, Musgrove Hospital in Taunton, and the Children’s Hospice South West.

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