£23,000 boost for the mental health for young people

£23,000 boost for the mental health for young people

By Jill Dando News

The amazing mental health charity, In Charley’s Memory is celebrating this week after receiving a £23,000 windfall from the National Lottery.

In Charley’s Memory is a rapidly expanding charity which helps the mental wellbeing of hundreds of 11 to 25 year olds in Burnham-On-Sea, Highbridge, Weston and across Somerset.

It encourages, trains, and gives ongoing counselling support and partners with schools.

It has been the charity of the year for The Priory Learning Trust.

Dawn Carey, the Charity’s Operations Manager, pictured second left back at The King Alfred School Academy, said: “This is fantastic news. We’re so thrilled that The National Lottery Community Fund has recognized our work in this way.”

In Charley’s Memory was set up after Burnham teenager Charley Marks, took his own life aged 18 in September 2014. The charity now supports and helps hundreds of young people affected by mental health every year.

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