£10000 funding boost for mental health support

£10000 funding boost  for mental health support

By Good News Post

Organisations and groups in North Somerset that support mental health can get a £10,000 funding boost following the launch of a grant scheme.

The money is part of a new pot of £45,000 being offered by North Somerset Council as part of Healthier Together, a regional partnership working to improve health and care and support our communities to thrive.

Voluntary and community groups working with children, adults and older people, as well as schools, can apply for the one-off funding grants of between £2,000 and £10,000.

To qualify the scheme says projects must be ‘new and innovative’ and ‘aim to improve the mental health and wellbeing of the population they work with, particularly with those communities most affected by Covid-19’.

For more information about the grant or to apply visit www.n-somerset.gov.uk/covidmhgrant.

Voluntary Action North Somerset is running a workshop to support anyone putting together an application for the grant. The event starts at 8:30 am  on Tuesday 20th October , followed by a more in-depth one-to-one session on 23rd October. For more information please email info@vansmail.org.uk

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