World-Renowned Motivational Speaker Urges Daily Gratitude Habit on World Gratitude Day

World-Renowned Motivational Speaker Urges Daily Gratitude Habit on World Gratitude Day
Peter Cohen

By Happiness Correspondent, Jill Dando News

On World Gratitude Day (September 21st), celebrated inspirational speaker and TV presenter Peter Cohen is calling on people worldwide to make gratitude a cornerstone of their daily routines.

Peter Cohen, an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker, bestselling author, and performance coach, is highlighting the transformative power of gratitude in both personal and professional spheres. 

With over three decades of experience rejuvenating enthusiasm and energy in individuals and organizations across the globe, Cohen's expertise carries significant weight.

"World Gratitude Day serves as a powerful reminder of a simple yet profound truth: acts of kindness and gratitude can truly transform our world," Peter said. 

His motto, "Be Intentional," encapsulates his approach to life and success.

Peter’s emphasizes the far-reaching effects of gratitude: "It's more than just a feeling – it's a practice that can fundamentally reshape our perspective on life. 

“By consciously focusing on what we're thankful for, we train our minds to recognize abundance rather than scarcity. This shift is genuinely life-changing and significantly boosts happiness."

What sets Cohen apart is his holistic approach to motivation. 

Rather than delivering fleeting inspiration, he builds lasting relationships before, during, and after his sessions. His goal is to connect with each individual, helping them visualise their role in crafting a better future.

To mark World Gratitude Day and foster a more appreciative mindset, Peter offers these practical suggestions:

1. Maintain a gratitude journal: Daily record three things you're thankful for.

2. Vocalize your appreciation: Regularly tell others how much you value them or their actions.

3. Engage in mindful gratitude: Dedicate time each day to reflect on life's positives, regardless of their scale.

4. Give back: Volunteer or help others to enhance your own sense of gratitude.

5. Utilize gratitude prompts: Begin your day with reflective questions like "What am I anticipating today?" or "What beauty have I recently encountered?"

See for more on gratitude.

For those interested in bringing Peter Cohen's inspirational message to their organisation, visit to book him for a talk.

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