Visit to Houses of Parliament inspires future journalists (By Rose, aged 10)

Visit to Houses of Parliament inspires future journalists (By Rose, aged 10)

By Rose, 10, Jill Dando News Correspondent

Our Jill Dando News teams went to London to interview Mr Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle.

Sir Lindsay Hoyle was very jolly and had amazing answers to all their questions.

Some of the students now want to be journalists.

They started off their trip by watching Prime Minister's question time from a birds eye view in the press gallery.
It was very noisy and people were bobbing up and down because they wanted to ask questions.

Sometimes there was boo’s and cheers and even laughter.

When the MP’s stood up, a microphone would be in front of their face so they could be heard loud and clear.
They were very confident and didn't mind disagreeing with others.


In front of the children there were loads of professional journalists who were noting interesting facts down as well as talking about what was happening.
Rosie (A Jill Dando News Reporter) stated that she was very surprised about how many professional journalists there were.

The JDNC reporters interviewed the speaker of the houses of parliament.
The speaker’s answer when he was asked about what superhero he would be and why was, ”I have the body like hulk, but i would be spiderman even though im not a crawler.”

Rose of Jill Dando News is one of over 100 Jill Dando Journalists who find, write and publish positive good news out across the world in memory of Jill.

Jill Dando is also a former student of WCSA where the project began.

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