Superb school eco club thoroughly cleans up a beach

Superb school eco club thoroughly cleans up a beach

By Chloe and Jayden, age 10, Jill Dando News

A superb eco club thoroughly cleaned up a beach to keep the environment clean.

Castle Batch Primary School Academy (CBPSA) in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset did their clean up to protect the planet and keep it clean.

Even though they did it at Sand Bay seafront in Weston this time, they plan to expand across all of Worle and England.

Ms Bonsey, one of the runners of the eco club, said, “Lots of people attended and it was a joyful atmosphere.”

They hope to keep the coastal areas clean because people all live near these areas and we have to keep them clean.

Hopefully this will make others aware that the environment is being polluted.

CBPSA is part of The Priory Learning Trust. It is situated in the heart of the North Worle community, has an excellent and spacious site and inspires children to be happy and confident learners.

It has a brilliant new library, an ambitious creative curriculum as well as a Jill Dando News Centre to train up young good news reporters.

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