Super Jared wraps dozens of boxes for Christmas community giveaway

Super Jared wraps dozens of boxes for Christmas community giveaway

By Jill Dando News

Incredible Jared, 12, has single-handedly wrapped dozens of food and gift boxes for families in need at Christmas - then delivered them to a church ready for distribution..

A 12 year old student has given up his break time, lunch time and time after school to wrap dozens of boxes to give out to families in need in the community at Christmas.

Jared of Worle Community School Academy in Weston-super-Mare, has gone the extra mile to single-handedly wrap dozens of boxes for the partnership with the St Peter's Church Community Christmas Box project.

Jared with Principal Jacqui Scott

He has been wrapping the Christmas boxes before school, and at break time, lunch time and after-school for several weeks.


He then got to help to deliver them personally in the school minibus to the church, ready to be distributed to the community.

Jared loves French, Art, Music and DT and later on in life, he wants to work with birds. He is also passionate about reptiles.

Principal Jacqui Scott said “Jared is a kind and compassionate young man who loves to help others.

“We have been thrilled to see the amount of time he has given to this project to help others in the community.”

Reverend Caroline Deakin of St Peter’s Church said: “We are delighted to be partnering with Worle Community School Academy to help those in need at Christmas.

“Jared is an absolute hero. It was a pleasure to meet him after hearing so much about his kindness, generosity and dedication.”

The academy is part of The Priory Learning Trust which is passionate about helping the community and its civic duty.

Since becoming part of TPLT in 2016, the academy has seen huge campus improvements including a £400,000 refurbished auditorium and sports hall.

The WCSA motto is ‘We Challenge and Support to Achieve’, resulting in students who thrive in all areas.

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