St Anne’s Church Academy praised in latest report

St Anne’s Church Academy praised in latest report

By Jill Dando News

Students, staff and the whole community of St Anne’s Church Academy in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset are delighted with their latest SIAMS inspection report.

Inspectors from Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) praised St Anne’s Church Academy for realising its vision 'Learn to Love - Love to Learn' in every aspect of school life.

They said that the school’s distinctive Christian vision gives clear strategic direction for school improvements and this vision of enabling all to shine shapes the curriculum so that it addresses pupils' diverse needs.

Inspectors also noted that pupils treat one another with a high degree of dignity and respect.

They praised the vision that inspires staff to reach out and support families in the community where everyone is 'capable of extraordinary achievements'.

In a glowing report they added that leaders of religious education (RE) are passionate and enthusiastic about their subject, ensuring it has a high profile, introducing new approaches which effectively engage pupils.


They said: “The Priory Learning Trust, local churches and the diocese make significant contributions enriching the school’s provision. Leaders are ambitious and totally dedicated to the work of this Church school.

“The vision shapes the provision for the mental health and wellbeing of staff and pupils. It shapes a warm caring community where all feel valued and flourish.”

Principal Emma Hardy-Smith said: “We are incredibly delighted with this report. Massive thanks to everyone who has helped out from students and staff to parents, carers, governors, the local churches and the wider community.”

Lisa Dadds, Director of Primary Education and Standards for TPLT, said: “This is fabulous recognition for the wonderful work of this school who truly live out their values where everybody is valued and respected."

St Anne’s is a dual-site primary school with a 150-year-old building at Hewish, and a state-of-the-art new build at West Wick. It also has the thriving Little Learners Nursery on site.

The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) explores ways in which each school’s theologically rooted Christian vision drives its work and enables the school to live up to its foundation as a Church school.

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