Some tips for boosting reading during school holidays

Some tips for boosting reading during school holidays

Most parents know it can be challenging boosting their children’s reading during holidays.

Studies show that it can take students up to six weeks to catch up again after a summer of not reading.

But getting children to read over the holidays isn’t always an easy feat; a study in 2018 found that 20% of students do not read at all during the break, meaning a large portion of students end up struggling to catch back up when they return to school.

Luckily, there are plenty of initiatives to avoid the post-summer slump.

Over the summer of 2022, BoomReader (formerly GoRead) for example, launched its GoReadathon, encouraging children to read as much as possible and log it in the mobile app.

The GoReadathon puts schools and students in friendly competition against each other, with prizes available for the best performing school.

The readathon had 6,800 participants, with an impressive 31k books read and 4,420 hours of reading.

The app works by encouraging students to read a little and often, which aligns with recommendations for students to read 2-3 hours a week over the summer.

The Literacy Trust also organised the Reading Tree challenge. The aim of which was to encourage students to find books and recommend them amongst their friends in order to promote reading for pleasure.

This is just one initiative that aims to prevent the summer slide.

As the readathon shows, getting your child involved in their education as much as possible will help encourage them to enjoy learning.

Take them to the local library and allow them to choose their own reading material, including things such as graphic novels and comics as well as books.

By providing your child a fun, low-pressure way of enjoying reading, you’ll find they’ll be much more receptive to it and will easily beat the summer slide.

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