As the England cricket team play Australia for the Ashes, school pupils in England are trained up on inspirational cricket programme

As the England cricket team play Australia for the Ashes, school pupils in England are trained up on inspirational cricket programme

By Jill Dando News

A fun cricket training programme is seeing pupils take up the sport at a Somerset School.

Pupils at West Huntspill Primary School near Bridgwater and Burnham on Sea have been enjoying fun cricket training in a partnership with Somerset County Cricket Club

As the England cricket team play Australia for the Ashes, school pupils in this school are making sure England are being trained up for the future with an inspirational cricket programme.

It is just one of many exciting activities for the school since it joined The Priory Learning Trust (TPLT) earlier this year along with its sister school, East Huntspill Primary School.


Both schools also saw the restoration of the school bells which rang for the first time again in September.

Principal Steve Davis said: “The Cricket has been going down brilliantly well.

We are so grateful to Somerset County Cricket for the expert and enthusiastic coaching sessions for the pupils.”

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