Penguin visits makes 104 year old’s dream come true

Penguin visits makes 104 year old’s dream come true

By Josh, 16, Jill Dando News

104 year old Bertha Komor's lifelong dream of holding a penguin has come true after the visit of the cute Mr Red Green of the Mystic Aquarium.

The penguin visit made the resident smile with joy and proves that dreams can come true no matter what age you are.

"I didn't expect this," she said, adding: "Best part was petting him and seeing him close up."


She laughed and smiled as Mr. Red Green curled up on her lap.

Her granddaughter, Karen Rivkin, was there to witness this moment of magic in person.

"I am just so excited for her and just so happy that she was able to have this wish come true and to just have been in our life for as long as she has," Rivkin said.

The dream was made come true by the Aquarium and Twilight Wish Connecticut in America, an organisation that grants wishes for senior citizens.


The author Josh says: “This fun-filled positive story proves to all that you should never give up, whether it is a school test, running race or wanting to achieve your biggest goal, you should always be positive and believe…Eventually you will get to your end goal.”

Penguins are flightless, aquatic birds that spend half their lives in water, and on land. They mainly habitat the Southern Hemisphere, with only the Galapagos penguin, north of the equator.

They are members of the order Sphenisciformes and family Spheniscidae, and the number of extant penguin species is debated, somewhere between 17 – 20 current living species in total.

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(Written by Josh, 16, one of Jill Dando News first ever reporters in 2017)

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