Parrot found 5 miles from home after ‘wild weekend’ (By Jaiden, 13)

Parrot found 5 miles from home after ‘wild weekend’ (By Jaiden, 13)

By Jaiden, 13, Jill Dando News Correspondent

Apsi Witana, Jobby’s owner, was performing with her band when Jobby flew away from home.

Apsi told SkyNews, “that's when he just bolted". It was such a horrible moment. He's never flown away before, but I have taken him on little excursions like to Queen’s Park, which is not that far.”

Apsi and her friend put up posters and asked for help on social media.

Apsi started to lose hope. However, on the sunday afternoon, the musician and the assistant editor of sky tv was contacted by a nurse from the Queen Elizabeth Maternity Unit along with a patient stating that Jobby was in their reception.

Allegedly, Jobby was eating crisps and playing around before Apsi arrived. She said, “it was really good to hear that.”

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