Operation Super Ben! (By Ellise, Jill Dando News, Disabilities Correspondent)

Operation Super Ben! (By Ellise, Jill Dando News, Disabilities Correspondent)

Ellise Hollie Hayward is Disabilities Correspondent for the Good News Post and Jill Dando News. Here she introduces you to Mikayla Butler, the mum of the inspirational Ben, aged 14. You can help Operation Super Ben - read to the end.

“Ben is 14 years old and, due to complications during my pregnancy, he has cerebral palsy….

In 2012, we took Ben to America to have life changing surgery called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy. This cost us over £60,000 & was not available on the NHS.

In a short 3 months we raised over £100,000!! I was on a mission to get Ben the surgery he deserved! I put on events, asked people to do things to be sponsored & got Absolute Radio involved too!!! We had black tie balls, Zumbathons, fun days, skydives & a lady even shaved her head-it was madness!!!

Following Ben’s surgery, he needs physiotherapy to ensure he doesn’t fall behind or develop deformities. This also doesn’t come cheap!!! I’ve continued to organise events & asked people to be sponsored to do things to make sure we can continue these essential sessions, most recently an abseil down Guildford Cathedral!!

Discovering a love for event planning, I continued to do an annual black tie ball for 6 years. I combined fundraising for Ben with a 2nd charity each year. To date I’ve raised over £20,000 for charities such as Mind, SANDS, Bowel Cancer Uk & our local hospital Frimley Park.

Ben continues to progress & grow stronger each day. We’re very proud of him 💚”

Mikayla Butler

Click this link to help Ben! www.justgiving.com/PleaseSupportBen

Insta @The_Butler_Family6

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