Nine lives? Definitely for kitten Mayo! (By Oliver, 13, Jill Dando News @ WCSA)

Nine lives? Definitely for kitten Mayo! (By Oliver, 13, Jill Dando News @ WCSA)

By Oliver, 13, Jill Dando News

After its head got stuck in a mayonnaise jar, a six week old kitten was rescued by quick-thinking volunteers from the Northumbria Cats Protection Branch.

They came across Mayo, who was named after the situation, by chance when looking into a litter of feral kittens in Ashington.

When reflecting on the moment he was found with his head inside the mayo jar behind a piece of wood, Sarah Muir, from the charity, told ITV that they ‘thought he was dead when they picked him up’ and that he was ‘limp and unresponsive’.

Thanks to the staff, who took initiative to use vegetable oil and slip his head from the jar, Mayo is now fully recovered and will soon be looking for his permanent home.

Picture - RSPCA

Ms Muir mentioned that he is ‘boisterous, fearless, and absolutely undaunted by everything that has happened to him.


Cats protection is a charity that helps over 20,000 cats and kittens a year, and was founded by Jessey Wade in 1927.

This story was written by Oliver, 13, from WCSA, the founding school with Jill Dando News, and former school of Jill Dando in Weston-super-mare, Somerset, UK.

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