A Celebration of Football and Fitness (By Grace 13 and Bella 12)

A Celebration of Football and Fitness (By Grace 13 and Bella 12)

By Grace, 13 and Bella, 12, Jill Dando News Correspondents

The students and staff at TKASA in Highbridge, Somerset celebrated National School Sports Week.

National School Sports Week is an annual campaign that promotes the importance of physical education, sport, and play in schools.

TKASA embraced the spirit of NSSW with an array of exciting football-themed activities and events organised by the fantastic Mrs Probert, bringing both students and staff together for a week of fun and fitness.

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Throughout the week, students engaged in various innovative and fun football variations during their PE lessons. The activities included: Life-Size Table Top Football, Football Rounders, Football Tennis, Eyepatch Football, and Foot Golf.

These activities provided students with new and exciting ways to enjoy football, promoting teamwork and physical activity.


The school also hosted several guest speakers who provided students with an insight into the football industry. Alex Caird from Youth Sports Trust led football development and officiating sessions for Year 10 sports students and KS3 students.

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Adam Mahoney, Sports Analyst and Head of Recruitment provided an insight into his career in football. He shared his educational background, job roles, and a real-life case study on football transfers.


Lee Ballard and Phil Brown from Plymouth Marjons discussed university and career options within the field, inspiring students to consider future opportunities in sports.

All week the school was abuzz with inter-house competitions and events during break times and after school. Students tested their accuracy in the Crossbar Challenge and Keepy Ups Challenge.


Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 battled for house points in football tournaments. Even the teachers got involved in a Beat the Teacher Penalty Shootout and a Football Rounders staff tournament!

Mrs Probert said “I was so thrilled to see so many students and staff getting involved in National Sports Week”.

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At the end of the week, students and staff proudly wore their favourite football shirts to school to raise money for Cancer Research UK through the Bobby Moore Foundation and many donated to Highbridge Area Foodbank to support local families in need.

The school has a Jill Dando News centre where students such as Grace 13 and Bella 12 are trained up to find stories just like this one and more from around the world – full of kindess and positivity.

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