‘Miracle’ Kittens Thriving After Being Found Abandoned in Carrier on Christmas Eve

‘Miracle’ Kittens Thriving After Being Found Abandoned in Carrier on Christmas Eve
Sprout on fosterer's lap - credit Cats Protection

By Jill Dando News

Three tiny kittens are safe in charity care after being found filthy, hungry and abandoned in a carrier on Christmas Eve.

A kind member of the public found the one tabby female and two black male kittens while out walking his dog in Totton. Unsure what to do with the shivering bundles of fur he called the Cats Protection shop on Commercial Road in Totton for help.

Holly in foster care by pen - credit Cats Protection

It is likely the trio had been left out in the cold the night before.

Shop Manager, Mel Gunn, explains: “A gentleman rang us as soon as we opened to say he’d found three kittens dumped in a plastic carrier while he was out walking his dog. I could hear he was shaken at the discovery and told him to bring them straight to us and we’d contact our local rehoming branch.
“When he arrived he was quite upset and shaken and said he found the carrier covered in a soaking wet towel. The towel inside the carrier was soaked in urine and the kittens were terrified.
We held them close to help them warm up then cleared out our donation bin to keep them safe. We made them comfortable with towels that had been donated for cats as well as some kitten food that we had luckily received. They were so hungry and immediately gobbled down two pouches.”
Tinsel - credit Cats Protection

Mel contacted volunteer-run Cats Protection Southampton who arrived within the hour to collect the kittens and take them into foster care.

The tabby has been named Holly, the all-black kitten has been named Sprout and the black kitten with a few flecks of white is Tinsel.


Coordinator Carolyne Kemp says: “The kittens were extremely lucky to be found. We think they are only about six weeks old, too young to be away from their mother, who should be caring for them until they are eight weeks old at least.
“They are lovely little kittens, friendly and surprisingly a good weight. We will never know how they came to be dumped but there is never any excuse to leave kittens or cats to fend for themselves. These kittens would certainly have died if they hadn’t been found when they were. We would like to thank the dog walker for his quick-thinking and kindness. His actions meant that these little ones are truly a Christmas miracle and now will be kept safe and found new loving homes once they’re older.”
Totton shop volunteer Arnold Gulwell and manager Mel Gunn with kittens - credit Cats Protection

Anyone wishing to help the volunteers cover the costs of caring for Sprout, Holly and Tinsel may do so via https://bit.ly/SproutHollyTinsel

The kittens will be available for adoption once they are old enough and their details will be posted on Cats Protection Southampton’s website.

For further information about them and other cats and kittens in the volunteers’ care visit www.cats.org.uk/southampton or call 02381 661 633.

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