Making bunting together - students and community members with dementia

Making bunting together - students and community members with dementia

By Sam, 13 and Jaiden, 13, Jill Dando News Correspondents

Some 14 students from Priory Community School Academy in Somerset visited the Alliance Dementia Wellness Centre in Worle to get creative!

The elderly customers were extremely inviting to the children and struck up conversation immediately over a cup of tea and a biscuit. 

Every term, students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 sign up to volunteer their time at the centre. This session was all about getting festive for Summer with some bunting!

“I like to go to the centre because it's nice to socialise with people and it's nice for those at the centre to meet new people once in a while,” said Roza, one of the visiting students, after she was able to open up to a lady by communicating to her in Polish.

Laura Hayes, Day Services Manager with Alliance Homes, commented that 'we are always on such a high when the students come in – they really are remarkable young people'.  

Dementia is not a disease, it is an unspecified term, or umbrella term, for the impaired ability to recall certain events, to think properly, behave socially or make decisions that may interfere with everyday activities.

The most common type of dementia is Alzhimer’s disease. Dementia mostly affects older people and most people are diagnosed between the ages of 45 - 65. However, dementia is not a normal part of ageing. 


These are some of the symptoms of dementia: memory loss, thinking speed, trouble using words correctly, difficulty with daily activities. 

"It was nice to meet new people and have a conversation" said Travis, 12, reflecting on his visit to the centre last term. 

"I was a bit scared at first but they were really nice and amazing people," Carolina added.  

Every term, students enjoy visiting the centre to reach out to members of their communities as part of the Character Education journey offered at school.

The final session of the year will be a visit from the school choir so everyone can enjoy a sing-song!

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